Sale TI DESIGN Add to Cart FLYING SEAGULLS WITH SETTING SUN - METAL WALL ART CO147 MSRP: Was: $109.98 Now: $89.98 Flying school of sea gulls with setting sun wall sculpture. New design by Joanne Ferrara. …
Sale TI DESIGN Add to Cart HERON METAL WALL SCULPTURE MSRP: Was: $149.99 Now: $109.98 Heron Head Up Wall. Hand carved wooden Heron, with metal moon in the background. Standing on a faux …
Sale TI DESIGN Add to Cart Sandhill Crane Standing Wooden Sculpture MSRP: Was: $109.99 Now: $89.99 Type a description for this product here...
Sale TI DESIGN Add to Cart Sandhill Crane Dipping Carved Wood MSRP: Was: $109.99 Now: $89.99 Hand carved wooden Sandhill crane is made in Bali. Designed by Joanne Ferrara. Size is approx. 13 x …
TI DESIGN Add to Cart Stilt Greater Yellow Leg and Sandpipers. MSRP: Was: Now: $99.99 Grouping of Shorebirds, all hand carved birds are also hand painted with great details such as glass…
Sale TI DESIGN Add to Cart Tropical Rosellas on a Branch Metal Wall Hanging MSRP: Was: $114.99 Now: $89.98 Rosellas Pair W/Bromeliads. Hand carved wooden birds on metal foliage. These vibrantly colored birds…
TI DESIGN Add to Cart Great Blue Heron Flying Wall Sculpture MSRP: Was: Now: $99.99 Real wood and hand carved flying heron. Comes with a glass eye and metal legs. Size 29x1…
TI DESIGN Add to Cart Sandhill Crane Flying Wall Sculpture MSRP: Was: Now: $79.99 Sandhill Crane Flying. Wooden Crane to match Family of Sandhills, item # CW294. 28x19x3.
Sale TI DESIGN Add to Cart Pelican on Piling Wall Sculpture MSRP: Was: $109.00 Now: $89.98 Single Pelican on Piling. Metal and wood wall art. You often see the pelican in the Keys, perched to…
Sale TI DESIGN Add to Cart Sandpipers Gotta Run! MSRP: Was: $79.99 Now: $69.98 Sandpipers, Gotta Run! Five wooden handcarved sandpipers scurry across a wood base of faux sand on t…
TI DESIGN Add to Cart Sandpiper Wave Wall Sculpture MSRP: Was: Now: $69.99 As the surf hits the beach, our Cute Sandpipers are running away from the spray, even as they wait f…
Sale TI DESIGN Add to Cart Heron Large MSRP: Was: $109.99 Now: $99.98 Our hand carved wooden Heron on base appears ready to let out a loud call for his mate. Hand rubbed …